Challenges of Commercial Installs
James Taylor joins the crew at Just Another Solar Podcast to discuss implementing the new AS5033 standards on commercial installs, the impact of price increases on fixed contracts and finding a manageable work/life balance.
The price of aluminium has increased 66% year-to-date, which will impact on component pricing. Fuel prices are also starting to bite, and James explains what this means for the industry and how we at Taylor Energy are looking into different ways of renewable energy.
If you're in the Australian solar industry or just want to broaden your knowledge of the costs of solar, there's bound to be something relevant for you.
The Spotify link is below and can also be found on Apple Podcasts.
Hosted by Karl Jensen & Luke Beattie.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/577ClqEvgFX8gUkmWTOkGJ...
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/.../just.../id1606296484...